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Chocolate Eclair Dessert

Recipes >> Desserts >> Chocolate Eclair Dessert




(Public for All)

Dessert with layers of creamy pudding, graham crackers, and rich chocolate topping.


  • 1 box graham crackers
  • 1 box instant vanilla pudding
  • 1 container Whip Cream
  • 1 c milk
  • 1 brick cream cheese - softened
  • 2 T butter
  • 4 oz unsweetened chocolate
  • 4 T Karo Syrup
  • 2 T milk
  • about 1 cup powdered sugar


Beat together pudding mix, milk, and cream cheese until well blended. Fold in Whip Cream. In large rectangular pan, place one layer of crackers. Top with 1/2 pudding mixture, then another cracker layer, remaining pudding, and last layer of crackers. In sauce pan, melt butter and add chocolate and syrup. When mixture is completely melted, whisk in milk and powdered sugar. You may need to add extra sugar to achieve correct consistency. It should be thin enough to pour over dessert, but not too runny. Cover crackers with chocolate, cover, and refridgerate at least a few hours before serving.

Recipe is courtesy of: Angie




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Angie Secor


Angie Secor

Influences: healthy meals that my kids will eat; fresh ingredients; comfort foods

Location: Cedar Springs, Michigan

Favorite Piece of Cooking Equipment: large chefs' knife

Favorite Recipes: marinara sauce; citris roast chicken; garlic marinade for grilled chicken; chili

What else? I love to get recipes from my friends so that I know they work and taste great!

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