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Fruit & Nut Bars

Recipes >> Snacks >> Fruit & Nut Bars




(Public for All)

Just like Lärabars but better


  • 10 dried dates, pitted (often found in the produce section)
  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • 1/4 cup raisins
  • A food processor


Pour the pitted dates, raw almonds, and raisins into the food processor. Secure the lid.

Process ingredients for about two minutes, or until they are chopped and mixed thoroughly. The fruit should appear smooth, yet you'll still be able to see bits of nuts. The mixture will look like firm cookie dough.

Tear off a 12 in. x 18 in. piece of plastic wrap and lay it flat on a counter or cutting board. Place the fruit and nut mixture in the center of the plastic wrap. Pull up the plastic on either side and begin to press it together to form one large bar, keeping the layer of plastic between your hands and the dough to prevent sticking. Squeeze the mixture firmly together — if it's loose, it'll fall apart when you try to eat it. You'll end up with a quarter-inch thick bar that's about 3 1/2 in. x 7 1/2 in.

Wrap the large bar tightly in the plastic. Place the bar flat in the freezer for an hour to harden slightly, which will make it easier to cut into bars.

Remove the large bar from the freezer, unwrap it, and place on cutting board. Divide bar in half, and then cut each half into thirds, creating six bars total.

One bar is under 150 calories, and contains a fair amount of protein and fiber. This is one well-rounded snack.

Store any bars you don't immediately eat (or share with friends) in an airtight container in your cupboard. You can also wrap the bars individually in plastic wrap to pack in your purse or gym bag. If you're not planning on polishing off the bars within a week, store them in the fridge.

Recipe is courtesy of: http://www.fitsugar.com/How-Make-Fruit-Nut-Bars-21242220#opening-slide




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