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Aunt Cherri's Veggie Dip

Recipes >> Snacks >> Aunt Cherri's Veggie Dip

Aunt Cherri's Veggie Dip


(Public for All)

So much better than the pre-made stuff


  • 2/3 c mayo or Miracle Whip
  • 2/3 c sour cream
  • 1 T onion flakes
  • 1 t dill weed
  • few drops hot sauce
  • 1 T parsley flakes
  • 1/2 t Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 t season salt


Mix all ingredients and refrigerate for at least a few hours. Serve with veggies.

Recipe is courtesy of: Cherri Swisher





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Angie Secor


Angie Secor

Influences: healthy meals that my kids will eat; fresh ingredients; comfort foods

Location: Cedar Springs, Michigan

Favorite Piece of Cooking Equipment: large chefs' knife

Favorite Recipes: marinara sauce; citris roast chicken; garlic marinade for grilled chicken; chili

What else? I love to get recipes from my friends so that I know they work and taste great!

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