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Blackberry Cobbler

Recipes >> Desserts >> Blackberry Cobbler

Blackberry Cobbler




(Public for All)

old receipe


  • 1cup sugar
  • 1cup flour
  • 1cup milk
  • 2cans of blackberries(you can also use this with canned peaches, canned cherries ect,)
  • 1stick of maragine


Melt butter in 350 oven while mixing the above ingredients except the blackberries. Pour all ingredients into 13x9 pan and bake 350 for about 35 minutes. This is a really easy receipe for first time cooks!

Recipe is courtesy of: Mrs. Melton





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Vicky Dunn


Vicky Dunn

Influences: simple, quick & southern country

Location: Hazard, Ky

Favorite Piece of Cooking Equipment: A Southern woman would never starve as long she has an iron skillet and a can of Crisco.

Favorite Recipes: Peanutbutter Fudge

What else? I didn't have potatoes so I substituted rice I didn't have paprika so I used another spice I didn't have tomato sauce so I used tomato paste A whole can-not a half can-I don't believe in waste. A friend gave me the recipe She said you couldn't beat it There must be something wrong with her I couldn't even eat it!

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