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Holy Cow Cake

Recipes >> Desserts >> Holy Cow Cake

Holy Cow Cake




(Public for All)

This is so delicious.


  • 1 box german chocolate cake mix
  • 1 can condensed milk
  • 1 jar caramel topping
  • 1 bowl cool whip
  • heath bits or your favorite candy bar crushed


Prepare cake as directed on box. Take out of oven & immediately poke holes in the cake with a wooden spoon,then pour the condensed milk & caramel topping in the holes and set in the refrigerater to cool. Take out & spread cool whip over the cake, then put the heath bits on that. Referigerate.

Recipe is courtesy of: Lady my husband works with at the hospital.





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Vicky Dunn


Vicky Dunn

Influences: simple, quick & southern country

Location: Hazard, Ky

Favorite Piece of Cooking Equipment: A Southern woman would never starve as long she has an iron skillet and a can of Crisco.

Favorite Recipes: Peanutbutter Fudge

What else? I didn't have potatoes so I substituted rice I didn't have paprika so I used another spice I didn't have tomato sauce so I used tomato paste A whole can-not a half can-I don't believe in waste. A friend gave me the recipe She said you couldn't beat it There must be something wrong with her I couldn't even eat it!

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