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Loch Fyne Bradan Orach mousse with watercress dressing

Recipes >> Appetizers >> Loch Fyne Bradan Orach mousse with watercress dressing



(Public for All)

Made by excellent chef Colin Bussey with fresh Loch Fyne Oyster available for home delivery. http://www.lochfyne.com/Shop


  • 250g bradan orach
  • 35ml dry sherry
  • 1 leaf gelatine
  • Juice and zest of 1 lime
  • Pinch of paprika
  • 250ml of double cream
  • 100gms fresh watercress
  • 100ml Greek style yoghurt
  • 10ml Worcester sauce
  • 100gms Seasonal salad leaves
  • 30ml vinaigrette dressing
  • Malden sea salt and freshly milled black pepper


Method -soak the gelatine leaf in cold water for 15mins, and then squeeze out excess water -gently heat the sherry and add the gelatine until it dissolves -place the Bradan Orach in a food processor and blend, add in the dissolved gelatine, lime juice seasoning and paprika -remove and pass through a fine sieve for a smooth mousse (this is not compulsory) -whip the cream to ribbon consistency and fold into mousse with the lime zest -place in the chill for 2-3 hours to firm up - pick all the leaves off the watercress stalks, liquidise with the yoghurt and Worcester sauce, season and reserve
To serve -dress the salad with vinaigrette, place on the plates -quenelle or scoop the salmon mousse, arrange on the salad leaves -drizzle the watercress sauce around the plate -serve with caraway seed bread or sour dough




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Loch Fyne



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