Beignets are the secret of life -- this french dougnut is a must have to any trip to New Orleans. It's worth the work!
In a large bowl, put butter and sugar. Heat milk until almost boiling in a sauce pan, stirring so it won't scorch. Pour scalded milk over the butter and sugar -- stir until smooth.
Cool the butter/sugar/milk mixture until lukewarm, add yeast, and dissolve.
In another bowl, sift dry flour and salt. Take half of this flour and stir into the milk mixture. Add the egg --- this becomes your batter. Stir in remaining flour a little at a time.
Store batter in a warm place, cover with a towel, and wait for it to double -- about one hour.
Take dough out and knead gently -- roll to 1/4 inch thickness.
Cut into 2 inch squares -- cover and let rise again for 35 minutes.
Now its time to fry!
Heat the canola oil to 325 degrees -- a large pan will work, but a deep dryer will of course work better.
Drop squares in hot oil, turning once when golden on bottom side. This will be fast! It's best to test with one square first, get the timing down.
Also -- when you drop in the squares, the temp in the oil will drop, so its best to turn the oil up high when you're frying.
Drain on paper towels and dust with powdered sugar.
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Log in Sign UpJesse Wolgamott
Influences: Italian, Texas BBQ, and Mexican
Location: Richmond, TX
Favorite Piece of Cooking Equipment: Set of Knives (can't narrow to 1)
Favorite Recipes: Lasagna for comfort. Chilada for beers. Chocolate cupcakes for dessert. Baked Potato Soup.
What else? ehh.. not really.