We Eatt

Easy Salmon Patties

Recipes >> Entrees >> Easy Salmon Patties

Easy Salmon Patties


salmon, fish


(Public for All)

Quick, economical, and nutritious!


  • 6 oz. can of boneless, skinless pink salmon
  • 1 beaten egg
  • 2 Tbs. mayonnaise
  • 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
  • Dash salt and pepper
  • 1/4 - 1/3 cup Italian breadcrumbs (plus some for dusting)
  • Canola oil


Empty the can of salmon into a mixing bowl. (Do not drain.) Add egg, mayonnaise, lemon juice, seasonings, and enough breadcrumbs to bind the mixture. (You want it to be moist.)

Pour a thin coating of oil in a sautee pan and heat over med - high heat. When oil is hot, shape mixture into patties and dust lightly with breadcrumbs. Place into pan and brown on both sides. (Approximately 2-3 minutes per side.)

Drain on paper towels and eat while hot. Serve with lemon wedges or tartar sauce.

Makes 5 - 6 patties.

Recipe is courtesy of: All Mine





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Amy D'Anthony


Amy D'Anthony

Influences: The Southern women in my family; Ina Garten; Paula Deen; Nigella Lawson

Location: Marietta, GA

Favorite Piece of Cooking Equipment: Kitchen Scissors

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