Wonderful way to grill a port tenderloin. Very easy to prepare. The hoisin/bourbon sauce compliments, and does not overwhelm the pork.
Fire up the BBQ. It's cookout time.
Cut pork tenderloin lengthwise, almost through but not quite, so that you can lay the cut sides flat on the grill.
Combing the remaining ingredients.
When grill is ready, lay tenderloin flat side down on the grill. Cook until the meat begins to sear and is ready to turn. Exact times will depend on the weight of the tenderloin. Turn the tenderloin over, and baste the flat side with the basting sauce. Let until the tenderloin is almost done (I like it just slightly pink in the middle) and turn flat side down again. Baste other side of tenderloin. Cook on flat side for just a few minutes and turn one more time. Baste flat side one more time and then put on a platter, slice and serve.
Great with Long Grain and Wild Rice.
Recipe is courtesy of: Adapted from a recipe first seen in Cooking Light
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Log in Sign UpJim Wolgamott
Influences: From Meat & Potatoes Farm-Style (Thanks Mom), to Arizona/Sonora Mexican, and Gulf Coast Cajun
Location: Houston is Home Base, but I work and live extensively internationally too.
Favorite Piece of Cooking Equipment: Summer - Outside BBQ (saves on A/C costs) and Winter - Oven (Saves on Heating Costs) Hey I'm an Engineer. I can't help it.
Favorite Recipes: Most Holiday Cooking ... Thank Goodness it's only twice a year. Any grilled quality meat or fish on the BBQ. Baked Potato Soup from Houston's. Goode Company BBQ Sauce (how does he do it?) I can't come close, even with the recipe in hand.
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